Thursday, August 30, 2007

Clomid, Round 2

I know its been a while since I've updated this, but we were trying to get passed having had a miscarriage and waiting for my period to start again. We were able to get pregnant in May, but unfortunately on the 4th of the July I suffered a miscarriage and spent the afternoon at the emergency room hoping that we were not miscarrying just having some spot bleeding, but that was not the case. My period started again on August 16th so I went back to the fertility clinic, had an ultrasound where they said everything looks good - though I think they might have noticed another fibroid as she 'marked' something off while having the ultrasound. We've decided that we'll give Clomid another chance for a few months since we were able to get pregnant with clomid the first time. If it doesn't happen in the next two months or so, we're going to give ourselves a break during the holiday season and try again after the first of the year and move on to taking the shots to increase our fertility chances. Until I have more news....