Saturday, November 3, 2007

Surgery and hormones

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 - Timothy's 43rd birthday.

We had the DNC done on the 24th. I had to be in admitting by 630am, upstairs in outpatient surgery room right after. By 7:15am I was in the very busy pre-op staging area, with about 20 other people. They got my IV started, a million questions and Tim was able to come in at that point. We signed all our documents, the Dr Klooster came in at 730am and by 740am everything was signed and I was in the OR. Thank God for Versed - its a conscious sedation that worked well. I felt almost nothing, except towards the end, I did feel a pinching, which hurt. I remember the Dr saying that it was the speculum closing that I was feeling - and he said it was all done and the sample would be sent to the lab. I remember crying and the nurse actually wiping my tears and saying she understood that it was really emotional. I vaguely remember getting back onto the gurney myself, but I don't remember actually going back into my post-op space. I opened my eyes, Tim was standing next to, it was 755am. I also remember putting my right arm up so they could reattach the blood pressure cuff and then talking to the nurses.

They asked me to sit up after my third bp- and to go ahead and get dressed. They had brought me some ice chips because my throat was so dry. As I got up and got dressed, all of a sudden - woosh I felt the need to vomit. Fortunately nothing came up, was more just like a huge dry heave. Within 10 minutes, the male nurse was walking me out the door in a wheel chair and Tim had gone to get the Trailblazer. I was now 825am. Talk about fast. I vaguely remember getting home, and then we took a nap for like 3 hours.

I finally starting feeling better on Monday. Thursday and Friday I couldn't even wear normal clothes I was so tender and swollen. Monday I finally could get on a pair of jeans and feel ok. It has been just over a week and now my hormones are out of control. My face looks like its a sixteen year old's with a ton of pimples and I'm crying at all movies - - this is loads of fun. NOT!